Niceness Rules

Be Nice Or Leave

The trick about mean people is to be nice to them — mean people are scared of nice people. A mean person will be taken aback if you’re nice to them in return. One would be scared to see that you’re strong enough to not be affected by his or her mean motives. The reason why they have picked on you is not important; you were probably picked on because they need someone to pick on and you seemed like a good target (don’t take it personally). Prove them wrong not by saying ‘no’ to them (in most cases ‘no’ would just make everything worse) but doing the unpredicted.

Female Aggression

The biggest problem about any form of bullying really is that society believes it is WRONG to be mean and we SHOULD be nice to each other. This is an even bigger problem with girls because it is society that first created the idea that girls should be generally nicer than boys. This idea just stuck, and girls now have no other way of expressing their anger than doing it secretly, against people close to them like friends and family. Society then deeply disagrees with this behavior and however does not HELP young girls (and boys) DEAL with the problem they so disagree on, and only try to STOP it by one of the most ineffective ways possible — through addressing the problem with THE BULLIES THEMSELVES. Educating teenagers through lectures, after all, is one of the worst ways to make teenagers understand something, and is a completely stupid idea. Has any one of those “say no to bullies/be nice to other people” talks ever paid off? For your information, the only thing one can get out of these lectures is that society does not approve with girls expressiong themselves and therefore resulting in girls being even more passive aggressive — “we should be more secretive.”